St.Michael's College

May 2nd

Bank Holiday

School is closed this coming Monday for the public holiday. The boys have been told that if their study plan has been going well, there's no need to be doing any work that day. Anyone who has struggled to complete their suggested workload recently however, should definitely make use of the day.  


The school musical (CLICK HERE) takes place next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. A great gang of 1st Year students are involved and all support is of course welcome.

Cycle To School

The poster attached below is in relation to our 1st Year 'Cycle to School Day' next Wednesday. The boys have been encouraged in our SPHE class to get involved where possible. They are currently teaming up with each other to try and cycle together in small groups and a few who live a bit further away, have suggested getting a lift or DART part of the way, before cycling the rest. It has been strongly emphasised that anyone taking part should be cycling safely and wearing a helmet.  

Prize Day

Next Thursday 9th is prize day for the whole school. Class takes place as normal until mid-morning and then all students are brought to the hall for the ceremony. This will conclude shortly after 1pm and students are allowed to go home at that stage.

Music For A Summers Evening

Also next Thursday evening brings our annual music performance event, with several students (including many 1st Years) taking part. This event is always a great kick-start to the summer and any parents, students or family members are welcome to come along. The details are available by CLICKING HERE.

St.Michael's College, Ailesbury Road, Dublin D04A373

Ph: 2189400 / e-mail: