St.Michael's College

School Policy on the withdrawal of students during scheduled CBA calendar:

Classroom Based Assessments are undertaken during a defined time period, within normal class contact time and to a national timetable. The purpose of this is two-fold: Firstly, as a student can be involved in up to 11 Classroom Based Assessments over the course of a school year and the coordination of this endeavour is  scheduled at the outset of each academic year, Secondly, for the student to receive full support over the course of the CBA teachers are available to provide 'reasonable support'. Reasonable support may include:

▪ Clarifying the requirements of the task

▪ Using annotated examples of student work provided by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) to clarify the meaning and interpretation of the Features of Quality to students

▪ Providing instructions at strategic intervals to facilitate the timely completion of the investigation and report

▪ Providing supports for students with additional educational needs (AEN).

(Assessment Guidelines, 2018 – NCCA)

These Classroom Based Assessments are significant in the learning of each and every student, as they act as a scaffold to the students' development over the three years of the Junior Cycle course. This formative assessment should act as a guide where each student did well, as well as where the student could improve, as he moves from year to year. It is therefore school policy that students cannot be excused from the scheduled Classroom Based Assessment, as previously advised at Parent Information evenings.

St.Michael's College, Ailesbury Road, Dublin D04A373

Ph: 2189400 / e-mail: