St.Michael's College

List The Tasks/Topics You Intend To Complete


Start by using a “Topic Table” that lists the key topics you need to revise in each subject. CLICK HERE to plan for essential topics for an end of term exam. Making a ‘Task Table” is often more useful than a simple study ‘timetable’ where you allocate 30 minutes to ‘Geography’ – it is better to be specific! CLICK HERE for some Junior Cyle 'Taskable' instructions, CLICK HERE for some Senior Cycle 'Taskable' instructions, and CLICK HERE for a weekly task table. You can keep track by keeping a “Study Log”, so you can see what you have achieved. Remember – get up and walk around, take a short break and/or have a snack every 35 minutes or so.  It will clear your head and help you refocus. 

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St.Michael's College, Ailesbury Road, Dublin D04A373

Ph: 2189400 / e-mail: