St.Michael's College

Encouraging a Global Vision is another of our core values.  This core value underpins the immersion experiences at St. Michael's College. Since 2006, St. Michael's has travelled to Spiritan Mission on 14 occasions.  We go with a formal invitation from our hosts. We use the term 'immersion' to describe our trips as we attempt to engage our students and teachers as much as possible in the cultures connected with the Spiritan Order. We do this through interaction with peers in our host country; involvement in educational programmes; fundraising; participation in liturgical services and, as much as possible, we try to get involved in the local community; visit projects run by the Spiritan Order and then try to raise awareness about this when we arrive back home.

St.Michael's College, Ailesbury Road, Dublin D04A373

Ph: 2189400 / e-mail: