St.Michael's College

In order to enhance and support our core values of Openness to the Spirit and Personal and Faith Development,  liturgical services are held throughout the year.  These range from large whole-school gatherings like St. Michael's Day, held in our Sports Hall, to smaller class-based prayer services held in our school chapel. We also make events like our Founders' Day (Claude Poullart des Places and Francis Libermann) as well as events like Grandparents Day. 

Guided by the Liturgical Calendar, these services attempt to engage students and teachers alike by getting as many involved as possible.  Recently, a camera was installed in our college chapel for live-streaming and recording key events.  This has opened our school up to a whole new world of possibilities where all those connected with our school can still feel part of it.

St.Michael's College, Ailesbury Road, Dublin D04A373

Ph: 2189400 / e-mail: